Firewalls and WinMX WinMX doesnt use standrad ports for its TCP and UDP Packets, if you get lots of people trying to upload from you and they all are failing with connection time outs then its probably becasue you are behind a firewall or router. Now unless you actually know what you are doing, dont even attempt to map WinMXs TCP/UDP ports, get the person who set your filewall/router or LAN up to do it for you, playing about with things that you havent got a clue about is about as dangerous as giving Osama Bin-Laden a Nuke. I am only going to talk about XP, cos its all i have. I have 3 computers using a LAN and Microsoft ICS connects them all to the internet, so i am going to talk you through changing The firewall settings on MS ICS ( if you dont know what I am talking about, dont read any further, get your system admin to help you) If you havent got the above, and you know what i am talking about then the priciples will apply. OK go to MY NETWORK CONNECTIONS/VIEW NETWORK CONNECTIONS, look at your internet connection and it should say something like Connected, shared, firewalled, if it says firewalled read on, if it doesnt, then your problem is elsewhere refer to your sysadmin for help. Ok right click on your connection, then Under NETWORK TASKS (its on the sidebar) click change the settings of this connection. Go to the advanced tab, somewhere near the bottom you have a setiings box, click that, this brings up the services tab, look at the list and the chances are you havent already got TCP and UDP services added, ok so now we will add them. click ADD, we now need to enter a description, lets keep it simple first we are going to add your TCP port, call it TCP in the description box, next we are going to add our computer IP (tip: if you are on a dynamic IP, or you dont know your IP, put your computer name in here, with XP all computers have names mine just happens to be SERVER its whatever you set the name to when you set up your Network). Next we are going to add our TCP port, in the box marked EXTERNAL PORT NUMBER FOR THIS SERVICE put the number that is showing in winmx under transfers/settings/incoming TCP connections then Make sure that TCP is ticked, thats it select ok, and TCP is in your list, make sure that the box is ticked and you are there. All you now have to do is to do the same for UDP click add, this time call it UDP, add your computer name, the port number ( got to winmx and see what UDP port it is using), select UDP select OK, then make sure its ticked in the list. Thats it finished, you now have to disconnect and reconnect for the changes to take effect.